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New England
The Battle of El Mazuco
Expedition log, Summer 2007
High Picos, Devoyu, Caín, Rales, Sotres
New: pushpin symbols ‘📌’ represent
GPS locations and link to Google maps.
06.06 | Wednesday. Speleogroup reconvenes in Bilbao after uneventful flights
via Paris and by car from Italy. First to Castro Urdiales to check-in.
Then inland for the first caving trip – Cubilla 📌, spectacular even though we went barely out of daylight.
Next to Cueva Lastrilla for GPS 📌 (almost
thwarted by a flock of aggressive sheep which chased us out of their
field). Dinner anchoas and chuletillas in Castro.
07.06 | First back to the Lastrilla road turn-off
for photos and GPS 📌 then on to the first
real caving objective: locate and record the Cabañuca resurgence.
Arrived at Cabañuca itself about 12:30 after stopping for diesel,
etc., in San Vicente and then crossed over the ridge to the west
of the cave via the cliff immediately above the cave entrance 📌. Then down the extremely steep slope (over
120m down in about 200m horizontal) towards the sound of water.
For the last part, Mike watched as Bill navigated the steep stretch
down into the shady valley to locate the resurgence 📌.
The only practical way back was up. Although easier footing than
descent, the brambles, thorns, gorse, blazing sun, and putrid stench
from a dead goat part way up made this a memorable climb.
Once back at the car, drove down to the Deva gorge and then south.
At Puente de Estragüeña we stopped and located the Fuente de
Estragüeña (~200m north of the bridge, crossing under the road
📌); amazed we had not noticed it in previous
years despite having driven up or down the gorge at least a hundred
Reached Quintanilla (de Lamasón) on the stroke of 3pm, in time
for a good lunch of potatoes and pork, ham, albondigas, etc.
Decided that it was indeed a good place to stay, as recommended by
Carlos Puch, and checked in.

Above Roza Still plenty
of day left, so we drove back to La Fuente to investigate a new road
we had spotted earlier in the day. This turned out to be the road
north from Roza that we had slogged up on foot in 2002
– now much improved and passable by Bill’s car. Soon reached the
top of Col de Llaves and investigated the Menhir at 1100m. Fantastic
views. Continued on the track to the end at another saddle; again
great views but little speleological.
Back down the track to try again to find the ‘Cueva Cosangre’ marked
on the map but again was unsuccessful despite much scree-thrashing
on an extremely unpromising hillside. Back to Quintanilla to write
up log and transcribe the 1975 log.
It turned out that no dinner was available at the Posada so drove
over the mountain road to Puentenansa. Nothing promising there,
so on to near Luey where again there was no open restaurant so we
settled for tablas of cured meats and cheese which went down
well. By now it was foggy – very unusual for the time of year –
so the drive back was tedious.
08.06 |

High Picos on snow
Based in Quintanilla, a good weather forecast, and a weekday made
this the optimal day for a hike in the high Picos. A stop for coffee
and tortilla in Potes then Fuente Dé at 11:00. The low season
rate was €12.50pp; no queue at all, so we started walking at
11:20. Turned left (west) at the main path junction 15 minutes north
of the teleférico, then flat for a while followed by steady ascent
through 2007m across patches of snow. Next steeply up past Hoyu
sin Tierra then north until stopped by a deep snow slope that would
be silly in summer walking gear. Probably our highest point reached
in the Picos: 400m of ascent to 2250m 📌.
Two hours up and a little over one hour down got us to Espinama just
before 3pm for a good lunch of fabada and lomo/escalopines.
A slow journey back with a stop at Potes, then a search for Cueva de Fair Share (BUSS 1973), which we located and recorded
for later verification 📌. Stopped
at La Hermida to investigate the new Hotel Balneario » at the old spa, and then returned to Quintanilla
investigating various side roads, including the one to Cires. Pleasant
dinner at the Posada in Quintanilla.
09.06 | Saturday. An early start from Quintanilla;
coffee in La Hermida. Mixed reports on whether the track from Bejes
to Tresviso is drivable, so we take the long way around with a stop
for maps and tortilla in Arenas. Checking the other end of the
road from Bejes shows that we probably made the right choice.
On to the Valle de Sobra and parked near the junction of two tracks
📌, one of which contoured around the
hill for 300m to a cave/mine, which we explored to just out of daylight.
Next we went down the steep track into the valley with the objective
of following the rushing water and investigating a possible resurgence
at a cliff face at the bottom. On the way we passed a small resurgence/stream
with a cave adjacent which had obviously once been a cheese storage
cave – with the remains of a few cheeses still on the shelves 📌.

Sobra resurgence cave
Continued on to the cliff face seen earlier from above; this indeed
had an active resurgence with a passage to the left ending in a marbled
pool 📌. A passage on the right was
closed by a locked iron door.
Followed the stream down to an impressive dam (1930s?), now not in
use, and back up the steep track to the car, a hot 30-minute walk
in full sun. Then on to Tresviso for a much-needed beer and lunch
with a spectacular view over the Deva gorge.
In the afternoon, retraced steps back to Arenas with a stop in Sotres
to check out hotels for a possible base in a future year, then on
to Llanes.
Wandered around the town viewing the changes (notably the much-widened
main bridge and extensive new pedestrianised areas) before a fine
fish dinner (Merluza a la plancha and Merluza fritos) at
El Cuera, washed down with Viñas del Vero ».
10.06 | Internet café and a walk along the cliffs
before lunch in Purón. Afternoon updating logs, etc. To Sidrería Cabañón » in Naves for dinner, not as good as remembered,
perhaps because Sunday evening.
11.06 |

El Farfáu resurgence A full-day walk planned, so an early start with a stop
in Posada for fuel and provisions. Then on via Arenas to Puente
Poncebos to start the classic 10km walk to Caín at 11:20. Starting
at ~300m, we reached the highest point of the walk (Los Collaos),
at about 565m, in 40 minutes and Caín at 14:40. As usual, the
walk through the gorge was outstanding, and the views spectacular.
All resurgences on the walk were gushing water due to recent rain,
with high-pressure jets of water especially impressive at El Farfáu.
After a pleasant lunch we investigated the resurgences across the
river 📌; they turned out to be lots
of water issuing from a boulder heap. Back down the gorge to Puente
Poncebos in 2.5 hours, arriving there at 17:00. Perfect weather
and scenery. Typical paella in Uría.
12.06 | Tuesday. After the hard walking, hard
driving. Left Llanes at 09:30 on the autovia going west towards
Oviedo. Arrived in the mining town of Langreo at 10:30 and continued
up the Nalón valley to the
Cueva Devoyu, arriving there at 11:15.

Devoyu sink The
water at lower entrance was deeper than in 2006, requiring
swimming almost immediately, so we drove up to the sink (300m away)
noting that the bar was closed. As we marched to the cave, the ‘speleo
police’ (in the form of the Guardia Civil) drove by and smiled at
our incongrous impedimenta. Access to river level, about 12m below
the road bridge, appeared difficult due to the steep banks and undergrowth.
However, Bill spotted an “easy zig-zag path” taking a direct route
from the bridge to the left bank of the river at the sink; this led
steeply down through the woods (branches providing an essential hand-line
function) and we soon reached the southern side of the cave entrance.
Whilst hands were dry, we took photographs and measured altitude
(598m – possibly too high by 40m).

White water in Devoyu
The torrent was carrying a prodigious quantity of water (estimated
3 cumecs). We were quite prepared to get wet; in fact Bill was equipped
with swimming trunks and waterproof ammo box. However, the current
was strong and safe progress could only be made by holding onto the
left wall. Near the entrance, of course, the river-bed boulders
were slippery, with steep and powerful rapids. Beyond the rapids
there was a deep pool with no shallow banks nor shore. The cold
water was certainly exhilarating, and courage was not lacking, but
prudence prevailed and we made a slow retreat back to the car.
Moral: it might be possible to return in drier weather, but wetsuits
would be advisable because the chance of losing one’s balance in
the torrent appears high. A long light (floating) handline might
be useful to avoid being sucked into a sump or undercut.
After changing out of wet clothes we proceeded up the valley towards
the Tarna pass (1490m) and on to Riaño for an excellent lunch at
El Mesón: asparagus and chuletillas for Mike, Manchego cheese
and gammon for Bill. Arrived back at Llanes at 18:00 via Beyos gorge
– a total of 313 km.
Dinner at El Almacén – fritos de merluza and fresh anchovies,
13.06 | Plan A – visit Cueva Buxu (an archaeological
cave, so free on Wednesdays). It was closed due to a local fiesta
(but we did have a good walk to the cave and back).
Plan B – visit Cangas de Onís to replace shoes, and other shopping.
Cangas turned out to be where the fiesta was – so everything was
Plan C – a beer in Arriondas – was successfully accomplished.
Lunch about 10km west of Arriondas and just east of Sevares at Rte.
La Roca was good. We then circled north to the coast to look for
Cueva Sidron (found the Reserve but did not locate the cave itself)
and to view the Sierra del Sueve from the west. Next back east to
Niembru to look for the resurgence Steve Newton found in 1975
– we found the river, but without the Llanes map decided to leave
the resurgence for another day. Dinner of merluza at El Cuera.
14.06 |

Near Fuentica entrance Rain overnight. Objective Rales (Fuentica)
Main Chamber. Changed into full caving gear (new black waterproof
bike overalls for Bill) then a 10-minute brisk walk up to the familiar
Fuentica entrance, with rope ladder, full SRT, 20m rope, ammo box.
Took photos while hands were still clean.
Squalid piles of decaying flood debris contained very lethargic toads
which risked being squashed underfoot by the cavers. 50m or so before
the sump a major dry sandy passage ascends on the left which we climbed
with minor difficulty until we were some 20m above the main passage.

Rales rift series Unfortunately,
the route on was not clear. A maze of side passages often muddy,
sharp, and with exposed climbs (requiring slings for handlines) tired
the explorers (who were carrying tackle too). A descent was reluctantly
made after over an hour of fruitless search. After washing at the
stream next to the sump, we took more photos. Out at 12:30, changed
behind a convenient wall in Rales, and washed at the spring on the
old road.
It begins to rain, heavily, so much so that we decide not to get
out of the car at El Sucón. Lunch at El Mazuco – absurdly large
filete de ternera, tasty but impossible to finish. Later (after
a quick dash back to Rales to recover ammo box and camera left at
the Spring) went for short walks and sightseeing, first to locate
and photograph Bar La Roxia at La Pareda 📌
(lost and found several times over the years), then the Bufones Las
Arenillas at Puertas de Vidiago, and finally the nearby Idolo de
Peña Tú, the latter with fine views of the hills above Purón.
Then it began to rain again, even heavier than earlier, and so torrential
that it was hard to see the road; waterfalls cascaded down steps
and jets of water burst out of walls. The downpour forced a choice
of restaurant that one could drive up to and dash to the door; a
pleasant light meal of Gambas al ajillo and Pixin a la Romana
was had at the Parrera at Niembru.
15.06 | First objective the ‘Vizcaina sink’ (probable
top sink of the Rales System). Descended a track past Vizcaina
and crossed many cow fields and electric fences before finding it
directly below L’Acebal 📌 – much
better approached from there.

Rafa’s cabaņa
Next, armed with a sheaf of photos, on to El Mazuco for a third attempt
at finding Rafa’s Cabaña from 1986. This time headed
for the depressions above Alto de la Tornería, and after a while
recognized some field patterns, a limestone hillock, and finally
the cabaña 📌, subtly altered with
new tiles, new pointing, new chimney, railings, and the distinctive
tree much reduced. Left a note for Rafa just in case he is still
the owner.
Two objectives, and some good walking, attained; time for lunch at
El Sucron. Soup, chickpeas, baked fish, and a postre of a plate
of three excellent cheeses, plus wine, mineral water, and bread –
all for €7 each.
The afternoon objective was to locate the bar La Cueva in Nueva which
Bill frequented in 1975. This turned out to be in Villahormes, not
Nueva, and the owner kindly found fuses for the lights and gave us
a tour (the bar closed four or five years ago). It is extraordinary
in being a bar wholly within a cave – with two entrances and inviting
side passages 📌.
16.06 | Beautiful clear weather with light cloud,
so up to Sotres and along the track towards Áliva to Vegas del
Toro. On foot up the valley to the west surrounded by limestone;
soon noticed and investigated ‘cow shelter’ caves 📌 – but no passage.

Sink 3km east of Sotres
Back down to the track and then to three kilometers east of Sotres
where we found a mildly interesting sink 📌 with a 3m shaft and a deeper shaft on the other side of the
road 📌.
After a lamb lunch in Sotres, down to Arenas for shopping and a visit
to Jim Thomson’s hotel (see 2005); he was in this
time and gave us directions to Cueva
Llonín for next year. On to Cangas to complete shopping, then
north for an initial reconnaissance of the east side of Sierra del
Sueve, hampered by poor maps.
Finally to La Cuevona de Cuevas where we completed four through trips
of the 250m cave – two on foot, and two by car – plus a fifth through
trip in a side arch.
Cabañón for criollo sausage and costillas (pork ribs).
17.06 | Packed and headed east; first stop Cueva El Soplao » – a show cave with mine-train entrance which is
essentially one long (600m) chamber with spectacular calcite amd
aragonite decorations; worth being herded.
Lunch at Hostelrie de Ruente; pleasant service and good food, as
always (menú €10). East some more with a stop to pack bags
then on to look at the resurgences in the Asón valley. The whole
river, almost, appears from resurgences on both sides of the river
over a few hundred metres 📌.
Explorations complete, so on to Castro. Merluza and anchoas
rebozado, both excellent, washed down with an atypical, almost
South American style, Viñas del Vero Gewürtztraminer.
18.06 | Monday. Left Castro slightly ahead of
schedule (08:30) but were soon caught up in the predicted rush-hour
traffic jam on the motorway. Fortunately this started before the
Santurtzi exit so we were able to divert onto the inland road (N634).
Rejoined the motorway after Trapagaran, just in time for the airport
exit, and arrived at the airport 09:35. Here we were greeted by
a cacophony of sirens and whistles generated by a mob of football
fans camped in the centre of the check-in hall; they had been there
since 5am, apparently. Bill, wisely, heads off towards Italy...
Personnel: Bill Collis & Mike Cowlishaw.
- Exchange rate: 1.47; 67.9p = 1 Euro = 166 pesetas (245 pts/GBP).
- Weather: mostly very good, rain only at night except 14.06.
- GPS (Garmin Geko 201), positions in °,′,″ shown
using WGS84 datum.
- This log was edited in the field on a Nokia N800 Internet Tablet », using the MemoWiki » extended Wiki notation, which is then processed by a Rexx » script to generate the HTML for this web page. On return it
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